Consequences of a single tooth loss

August 5, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — novaoms @ 9:09 pm

Many people see the loss of a single tooth as little more than a cosmetic issue, particularly if the tooth is not visible when you smile. However, even one or two teeth should be replaced, preferably with dental implants, to prevent long-term complications and even loss of additional teeth.

What Happens When You Lose a Tooth

The loss of even one tooth leaves space in your mouth. Your other teeth will automatically shift to fill that space, moving them out of their correct position. This leads to misalignment. When your teeth aren’t aligned properly, the result can be a wide range of issues, including:

  • Damaging wear and tear
  • Malocclusion
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD)
  • Persistent headaches
  • Increased sensitivity
  • Persistent earaches

These problems can be avoided with tooth replacement. By replacing the missing tooth, you fill the space, which keeps your other teeth from moving. In the long term, a new tooth will save you much discomfort and additional dental work.

Why Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the most realistic, comfortable, and effective form of tooth replacement. They replace the whole tooth, not just the visible biting or chewing portions. An implant consists of an artificial root made of titanium with an attached crown. The bone tissue in your jaw will naturally bond to the titanium, giving you a secure foundation for your new tooth. Implants are placed by an implant dentist or oral surgeon. After the procedure has healed, you’ll receive the custom-made crowns or a custom-made removable denture that is anchored with the implanted roots.

In addition to a realistic look and feel, as well as overall comfort, another advantage to dental implants is that they prevent jawbone atrophy. Over time, a socket without a tooth in it will resorb as the body realizes the tissue is no longer necessary to support the tooth. This can drastically change the look of your face, causing the upper and lower jaws to move closer together. This atrophy occurs with both traditional dentures and crown and bridge replacements, but is prevented with dental implants.

Contact us at NOVA OMS to discuss your own implant options today!

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