4 Reasons Why Dental Implants Are So Successful

October 1, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — novaoms @ 1:55 am
Patient holding a model of dental implants

Considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth, dental implants are able to effectively restore the look, feel, and functionality of lost pearly whites. In fact, these awesome little implants boast an incredible success rate of over 95%! But you might be wondering just how they’re so successful? Here are four reasons why dental implants in Alexandria are able to do what they do so well.

1. Getting Them Quickly Is Crucial

One of the biggest problems associated with missing teeth is that it usually results in additional lost teeth! When teeth fall out, the adjacent surrounding teeth will begin to lean towards the open spaces, eventually falling out. That said, having them replaced quickly is the best chance to make certain that the rest of your pearly whites remain in place. Plus, waiting too long to replace teeth can also affect your implant eligibility. When you lose teeth, the bone density in the affected area starts decreasing—and dental implants need a healthy amount of bone to fuse with. This means that the longer you wait, the lower your dental implant success rate becomes!

2. Excellent Patient Oral Health Is Necessary

Before you can receive dental implants, your dentist needs to evaluate your overall health to determine if you’re a suitable candidate. Those with oral health issues like gum disease will need to receive treatment before implants are an option. The success of your implants depends on their ability to healthily fuse with your jawbone; and preventing gum disease and maintaining a healthy mouth play a large part in this. In some instances, a dental bone graft might also be necessary if the patient’s bone density is insufficient.

3. Receiving Care from A Qualified Expert Bodes Well

Although implant surgery is a straightforward procedure, it’s still important to receive treatment from a qualified expert. Some dentists have been specifically trained to place dental implants, but others will have to refer you to an implant specialist. If possible, you can also view before-and-after photos of patients who’ve received dental implants. Dentists will also typically have their training listed on their websites; check for specific certifications and organizations that highlight dental implants!

4. Committing to Aftercare Ensures Longevity

Having dental implants does not excuse you from practicing good oral hygiene; in fact, it becomes more important than ever before. Your dental implants are durable, but they aren’t invincible—the following tips will help them stick around for the long run:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and use an antibacterial mouthwash.
  • Regularly visit your dentist for biannual checkups and cleanings.
  • Avoid poor oral habits like smoking, using your teeth as tools, and biting into hard objects.
  • Consider a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals and drink plenty of water.

If you’re curious about receiving dental implants, talk with your dentist to see if they’re a viable option for assisting your smile.

About the Practice

The team at Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial, & Implant Surgery is honored to serve the dental needs of the Burke, Reston, and Alexandria areas under the leadership of five skilled specialists: Dr. Amir Naimi, Dr. Pedram Yaghmai, Dr. Amro Shihabi, Dr. Nawaf Aslam Pervez, and Dr. Hadi Ansari. Together they’re pleased to offer a wide range of services including dental implants. If you have any questions about dental implants or would like to arrange a visit, you can contact the practice online to find an office near you.

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