Dental Implants: A great investment into your health

January 23, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:00 pm

Dental implants are the best possible choice for replacement of missing teeth. Thanks to innovations in the implant process, you can even get your new teeth in one day. This process can be used to replace one tooth or several teeth, and even works for many people who have experienced bone loss in the jaw

The Science of Dental Implants

Dental implants are based on the discovery that bone naturally bonds to titanium. This unique property means that an artificial tooth root made of titanium can create a solid foundation for a replacement tooth. The bone bonds to the root, which means the new tooth will remain stationary in your mouth. This bond also means the new root stimulates growth in the bone, helping you maintain the strength of your jawbone and the overall shape of your face. This prevents the “shrunken” look that can develop as you age if you don’t have your teeth replaced.

Traditional dental implants use a single root to support each prosthetic tooth, just like a natural tooth. With teeth in one day, a few implants—usually four—anchor a removable denture. The implants are set in the jawbone to take advantage of areas where the bone is strongest. If the jawbone can’t support implants, your implant dentist or oral surgeon might recommend bone grafts to provide a stronger foundation.

Why Choose Tooth Replacement?

Having your missing teeth replaced improves not only your appearance, but your long-term overall health. Your new teeth will fill the empty spaces in your mouth so your other teeth don’t shift out of position, creating malocclusion. Implants also help you maintain a healthy diet because you can easily eat fresh vegetables and fruits. This type of food is more difficult to eat with dentures.

With your new teeth, you’ll have a completely natural-looking smile and teeth that feel and function just like the teeth you lost. You can eat, talk, and smile with complete confidence. If you have missing teeth, call our office to discuss the advantages of dental implants.

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